Dell studio has died. Most probably its the motherboard.

not sure what to do with it now.

it was just fine.. all of a sudden ..

6 years.


just sad that it died.


booting windows on different hardware using iSCSI

This one was one hell of a problem I ever worked on. Took me almost 2 years to get around it. Solved it a month back, got time to write today.

Think of this:

1 iscsi target, 1 windows image to serve on tftp. Multiple nodes that boot from it. It will work fine until all the nodes have exact same config. Change network card of 1 and it will fail to boot. Its fine. Windows needs network adapter to boot over iscsi and if there is no driver for this different adapter then it will die. Makes sense.

Problem was, even after installing different drivers [which is not_so_straight_forward_either ] Windows won’t boot. There are some LWF [Light weight Filter] binding issues that won’t let it happen. Theoretically, if you get rid of these bindings, it should work. Took a long time to realize all the parts of it.

and I was able to boot over iscsi even after changing n/w adapter ! So, here are my notes, might save one’s time. There are products like CCBoot that have solved this problem already but all of these tools are commercial.

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There are 2-3 kittens in my mom-dad’s school (its a school for deaf & dumb children).

Those kittens run around in school, any class, any where. They play with each other, kids love playing with them too.

We usually talk to our pets.. you know.. like we do. and today my mom did the same when kittens came near her.

but seeing her lip movements confused a 12 year old in her class.

He asked my mom if those kittens are talking to her.


Doesn’t sound like a big thing ? but I grew up with deaf and dumb children around. I played with them, I talked to them (in sign language) every time I went to my mom’s school, which was like everyday when I was in primary school. I have heard, even experienced countless number of things about them for like 20 years now.

and this was the most innocent thing I ever heard about them.


Thought to share.


Starting today, 16-July-2012

5th semester.. last one for this course.. 5 months..

lectures, practicals, assignments, bunk-and-run-home, canteen, (probably new friends), fun.. etc..

job is still On. Will be working+colleging.

In Ratnagiri for few months.. awesomeness 🙂


… just that.. with many good things mentioned above.. something crap has to follow..


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Hi !

well.. it all started on 1st of June. I returned from exam. Probability and Statistics.. ashamed.. because of what I had done there and I knew am gonna fail for sure. Provided there is no Mumbai-University-Magic 😛

I was thinking whats next.. a year drop for sure but can’t afford wasting an year.. so.. Job !

What I have right now as qualification is .. well.. pretty much.. Nothing ! I am still a commerce guy till I finish my MCA 😦 but I was confident that there will be something because I can code 😀

I went to page once again. Had solved the challenge almost an year ago.. when friend showed it to me. Had done it in as well.. using interfaces and stuff.. and Haskell too !

I was browsing contents and I noticed that gtalk widget on site started showing Navin as Away. Pinged him, got response really quick.. then had a little chat.. explained whats the problem.. what I want.. why I want etc.. He said fine.. send me your challenge code and resume.. Lets see..

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